Privacy Policy
Good Dog takes customers data protection seriously therefore the Website using is using SSL Certificates (Your data will be encrypted)
In order to comply with the new European Date Protection Law (GDPR) we are setting out clearly what data we collect and how your data is stored.
What data we collect
Owners/Handlers details:
Full name | Full address
Contact telephone number
Email Address
Dogs details:
Breed | Age | Name
Why we collect:
We use this information to confirm your training programme (i.e. dates, times, venues and cost.)
We may also need to contact you with information regarding changes to dates, times and venues, our preferred method of communication is via Whatsapp, but I may also use your landline, voicemail or email.
How long is it stored?
All your personal data is kept for the duration of your training classes.
Once you cease training all your data is destroyed.
When we share:
I will obtain written permission prior to your photograph being published on Facebook, Google, or the Good Dog website after graduation or to assist with the promotion of my services.
We do not share your information with any third parties for financial gain.